07813 257386 carolyn@carolynclayton.co.uk

Covid Project – Garden Workshop Pottery Studio

I built a 20ft x 16ft pottery studio workshop in my garden

The past 18 months has been bad for many people.  I lost my beloved dog Maddy in August 2020 and with the pandemic and the lockdown I needed a focus, so I built a pottery studio / workshop.  I have to turn negatives into positives.  Having managed working from home for 11 years (WITH my social contact) I have been fine.  But without it, this past year, who knows where I would be.  So I am very grateful to my neighbour Jason for helping me create my dream workshop. I now have a beautiful garden room studio, it’s a beautiful space to work with natural light, a real creative space.

I had been waiting for a workshop down at Coalport China Museum, but it has felt like a carrot on a stick for too long. I had been looking to move and when I mentioned this to my neighbour she suggested I built a workshop at the back on my garden. This got me thinking and I priced up the options. What I wanted size wise was a minimum of 30K. I was looking at sip panels, ready built workshops and all sorts when I got chatting with my neighbours partner. He is conservatory/windows doors installer but also all round great builder. He likes to keep busy and is always doing jobs around the neighborhood and very kindly agreed to help me build it.

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